Development of a simulation code for design and optimization of bunch-by-bunch feedback systems dedicated to circular lepton accelerators
This thesis is suitable for candidates having an interest in theoretical accelerator physics and willing to use and develop computing models to simulate beam dynamics in particle accelerator colliders, in particular in electron-positron machines.
Development of a real time bunch-by-bunch feedback system based on FPGA technology aimed at stabilizing beam motion in circular lepton accelerators
This thesis is intended for candidates interested in hardware development, firmware and software design, better if already aware of FPGA components and coding.
Beam dynamics in present and future circular lepton colliders
The proposed PhD thesis aims at studying beam dynamics and its interplay with beam-beam interaction for the DAFNE configuration based on the Crab Waist collision scheme.
The purpose of this work is twofold: to push DAFNE luminosity to its ultimate limit, and achieve a detailed comprehension of the collider limiting factors.
The experimental studies undertaken at the Frascati φ-factory will be of primary interest for all the other communities working at the design of future colliders based on the Crab Waist approach.